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Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Forum

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I have all levels of everything and...

I have all levels of everything and still cannot get last piece of gong. I have 4 totems and have an elder in 3 different fields, science, farming, and building. I have tried all of them. What am I supposed to do? I have put them all on the center. Do you have to have all of your collections first?

By bluemorpho00
have you uncovered the mosaic yet??? Take builders and and put them in the ancient place they will begin to uncover it. them place the totem right in the middle of the sun in the mosaic. good luck!!
By chay
i've done what you've said, but still they are not uncovering the last piece of gong
By mommysammy
I am having the same problem with getting the last piece......
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