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hi me and my sister has been play t...

hi me and my sister has been play this game 4 a few days is there any way of getting more cash

By hoodwinked
im a newbie too,but yes there just get the fourpetal mapel,it sells for over 60 bucks.some of these ways im not sure if they work

how to get it
jalapa maple+citrus maple=fourpetal maple(tried it,works)
fragerant maple+venomous maple=fourpetal maple(didn't try it,should work)
fourpetal ball cactus+fourpetal maranta=fourpetal mapel(tried it,works)

how to get a random maple
buy it for 50 bucks(there is a very small chance you will get the four petal maple that way,it happened to me)

self-polinate them constantly,to avoid losing it,plant 15 of em at a time,price them at 65(or higher)and in about a day you should have a lot of money(or you could just place the clock 40 minutes forward,but careful)i hope this helped.
By myst
How do you get the venomous maple?

I had a venomous in one of my attempts before starting over, but don't know how I got it.

Also, any help is greatly appreciated.
I started writing these down in a log, thank to the advise and finally got the 1st magic plant 4 petal maple.
Thank yall so much!
By starz
you can get a venomous by crossing a jalapa + citrus
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