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Virtual Villagers 1: A New Home Forum

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I've also finished 16 puzzles about...

I've also finished 16 puzzles about a month ago. Nothing happened except island events..crates,face in woods,bla bla bla.
Hope it's not just a floating news that 2nd episode coming this winter.
My people just keep staring at medical cactus, is it means sth?
Does anyone of yours are doing the same?
I have tried everything with the cave, adult, kids, monk kid, betw the "party", nursing mom, nothing happened.
It was excited only in the first time.....having xxx is better!
waiting for VV2.

By eleven
I found out someone that disliked CAVES, I tried to put her in the opened cave, and the messege didn't pop up. So, I think we can solve the mystery or explore more, if there is someone that has CAVES in their LIKES. I have tried to do it, but no newborn comes with CAVES in neither~ I don't know if it works, hopefully someone tries it. ^^
By ash
i have tried putting someone who liked caves and the message popped up. i think the reason the message did not pop up when you put a person in there who does not like caves is they did not actually go in so they could not show you what was inside.
By paul h
i have been stuck at the end of this game for over 12 mths now and have tried everything to get to the next level but to no avail is there another level or am i just wasting my time and life
By catlover
When you have solved all the puzzles, then you have completed the game. Your villagers will just continue working and living on the Island. There are no new levels or anything else that will happen once you get into the cave. In the next version of the game, Virtual Villagers 2, it is indicated that two of your villagers went into the cave and came out onto the new part of the Island where they meet new villagers and begin their new life there. There is also a Virtual Villagers 3 when you have completed VV2. Each of these games have to be purchased separately.
These are our legacy forums. Please go to the game walkthrough and scroll to the bottom for our new forums.